Know all the elements
This trigger will always run a workflow when a record is created or edited. It will always detect this type of action when it occurs in the following modules:
We can tell this workflow that it will run when one of the options occurs, or with both options at the same time. We can also select custom values, for example, when the "Pipeline Status" field is changed to "Closed", run the workflow.
Custom values can be chosen based on "All" or "Or" conditions. In "All", the trigger will work if all conditions are the same as selected, in the case of "Or" it will run if one of the conditions is true.
The manual trigger gives the option to create a workflow that will only run when the user requests it. We can create a workflow that creates a set of repetitive tasks, so we don't have to create them manually.
A webhook is a way for a third party to trigger an Automation Rule. When you configure the webhook trigger, it will give you a unique URL which you either add to the third-party application's outgoing webhook configuration or make a HTTP Post request from your custom scripts. The webhook trigger only expects to receive JSON payloads, you can use it through variables.
This executes a workflow on a specified schedule. You can run the rule at a fixed rate every minute, hour, day, week, or month.
The “If/Else” block allows for alternate actions to be executed based on whether certain conditions match or don't match. It is a powerful condition, and you can add as many if/else conditions as you want.
Property Setter
The Property Setter node is used to create new variables that are not tied to existing objects. These must have a unique name. It can also be used to update an existing variable created through another Property Setter block.
If we use "contract" as the name of a property setter block, we can call it later in the flow through the value {{adn["Property Setter"]["contract"]}}.
Connect Workflow
The "Connect Workflow" block, as the name implies, allows us to connect the workflow we are creating to another created previously. With this step we avoid repeating the flow already created when we reach a certain point in the new workflow.
Batch Split
The Split in Batches node is used when there is a list of values that need to inspected individual. This node only has 2 settings: the batches length, to set the total of items that need to be ran in each cycle, and the Value input which is the list.
After this, any node connected after the Split in Batches node will have access to two new variables from it, which are {{adn["Split in Batches"]["context"]["has_more"]}}, that returns a Boolean indicating if there are more items in the list to be ran and {{adn["Split in Batches"]["value"]}} which is the current value.
To pass to next cycle in the batch you must then connected the next node back to the Initial Batch Split, like you can see in the next example:
In this example, we are preparing an email body using the split in batches node to loop a received list of tasks. After setting the split in batches to have a batch size of 1 and setting the property setters to create the email body using the data from the current task, we add an If/Else node that will check the state of the variable {{adn["Split in Batches"]["context"]["has_more"]}}, and depending on if it’s true or false we can either connected back to the split in batches node to keep running our loop or exit the loop and create our email.
The "Delay" condition allows the user to define, at a point in the workflow, a delay so that the flow waits the defined time until it advances to the next block.
Do nothing
The "Do Nothing" block causes the flow to stop. For example, if we use the "If/Else" block, if in the else option we want the flow to stop, just allocate the "Do nothing".
Get Items
The Get node types are used when you need either a single or multiple item(s) of that type. You can use variables for filtering the items you need.
Use this action to create a record of any type. This creation step is like adding a record in Airdesk. Just select which type of record the workflow should create and add all the details. In the fields we can choose to use pre-defined records or use variables to obtain data from the workspace.
Airdesk Automation allows you to create the following records:
The "Reports" action allows you to create a workflow in which Airdesk automatically sends a report in PDF format by email. Currently, it is possible to send the time report.
Last updated
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