
Filters allow you to access information quickly.

There are several ways to search information in Airdesk. It's very important for users to explore the multiple ways of filtering and searching. You can see below an example of Filters in the Deals area:

There are several concepts that you should be familiar with:

Simple Filters

The first tool, "Filter", provides basic elements such as:

  • Account

  • Active notifications

  • Assigned to

  • Company

  • Created by

  • Department

  • End date

  • Inactive notifications

  • Manager

  • Name

  • OPV

  • Pipeline status

  • Read

  • Start date

  • Status

  • Team

  • Unread

  • Value

For some elements that users wish to filter, they are given the following conditions:

  • Is equal to,

  • Is different from

  • Is less than

  • Is less than or equal to

  • is more than

  • is more than, or equal to

  • starts with

  • ends with

  • contains

  • does not contain

  • is empty

  • is not empty

Advanced Filters

The "Advanced Filters" tool allows the user to create and share filters using the "and" and "or" operators, combined with other filters.

By clicking on Advanced Filter, you'll initially see: "Show all", "Search" and "Create advanced filter".

By clicking on "Create advanced filter", a slider opens on the right side of the screen with the following fields to fill in:

  • Filter name

  • Public option - for the filter to be available to all workspace users

  • Users field - for selected users

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